Automotive Innovation ›› 2020, Vol. 3 ›› Issue (3): 193-194.doi: 10.1007/s42154-020-00117-x

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Special Issue on Automotive Lightweight

A. Erman Tekkaya & Junying Min   

  1. Institute of Forming Technology and Lightweight, Components, TU Dortmund University, 44227, Dortmund, Germany

    A. Erman Tekkaya

    School of Mechanical Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai, 201804, China

    Junying Min
  • 出版日期:2020-09-07 发布日期:2020-09-07
  • 作者简介:Dr. A. Erman Tekkaya is currently professor and the director of the Institute for Metal Forming and Lightweight Components (IUL) at the TU Dortmund University in Dortmund, Germany. His research interests cover fundamentals and technology of novel metal forming processes as well as material characterization for modeling the material behavior during plastic deformations.Some of the current research projects are on thermomechanical sheet forming processes, profile bending, hot extrusion, impact extrusion, damage-controlled metal forming, the plane torsion test, remote material testing, and metal forming including augmented reality applications. The International Prize for Research & Development in Precision Forging of the Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity has been awarded to him in 2014. Dr. Tekkaya is a fellow of the International Academy for Production Engineering (CIRP) and member of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Materialkunde (DGM). He is the Editor-in-Chief of the CIRP Annals, Editor-in-Chief of Advances in Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (AIME). He has published over 215 peer-reviewed papers, several books and has over 30 patents granted or filed. Dr. Junying Min is a professor at the School of Mechanical Engineering and the vice director of the Sino-German Center for Mechanical Engineering of Tongji University. His research interests include advanced forming processes, material characterization/modeling, dissimilar materials joining and hybrid components. He was a postdoc at the University of Hawaii and University of Michigan from2013 to 2014. During that period, he was also a visiting scientist at the General Motors Global R&D Center. He conducted research at the Ruhr-University Bochum from 2015 to 2017 as an Alexander von Humboldt fellow. He received Hiwin Doctoral Dissertation Award in 2014. He sits on the editorial board of Automotive Innovation (AUIN) and Advances in Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (AIME). He has published more than 100 peer-reviewed papers, over 30 in the JCR Q1 journals with international reputation, one book with his co-authors, and he holds over 10 invention patents.

Special Issue on Automotive Lightweight

A. Erman Tekkaya & Junying Min   

  1. Institute of Forming Technology and Lightweight, Components, TU Dortmund University, 44227, Dortmund, Germany

    A. Erman Tekkaya

    School of Mechanical Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai, 201804, China

    Junying Min
  • Online:2020-09-07 Published:2020-09-07
  • About author:Dr. A. Erman Tekkaya is currently professor and the director of the Institute for Metal Forming and Lightweight Components (IUL) at the TU Dortmund University in Dortmund, Germany. His research interests cover fundamentals and technology of novel metal forming processes as well as material characterization for modeling the material behavior during plastic deformations.Some of the current research projects are on thermomechanical sheet forming processes, profile bending, hot extrusion, impact extrusion, damage-controlled metal forming, the plane torsion test, remote material testing, and metal forming including augmented reality applications. The International Prize for Research & Development in Precision Forging of the Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity has been awarded to him in 2014. Dr. Tekkaya is a fellow of the International Academy for Production Engineering (CIRP) and member of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Materialkunde (DGM). He is the Editor-in-Chief of the CIRP Annals, Editor-in-Chief of Advances in Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (AIME). He has published over 215 peer-reviewed papers, several books and has over 30 patents granted or filed. Dr. Junying Min is a professor at the School of Mechanical Engineering and the vice director of the Sino-German Center for Mechanical Engineering of Tongji University. His research interests include advanced forming processes, material characterization/modeling, dissimilar materials joining and hybrid components. He was a postdoc at the University of Hawaii and University of Michigan from2013 to 2014. During that period, he was also a visiting scientist at the General Motors Global R&D Center. He conducted research at the Ruhr-University Bochum from 2015 to 2017 as an Alexander von Humboldt fellow. He received Hiwin Doctoral Dissertation Award in 2014. He sits on the editorial board of Automotive Innovation (AUIN) and Advances in Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (AIME). He has published more than 100 peer-reviewed papers, over 30 in the JCR Q1 journals with international reputation, one book with his co-authors, and he holds over 10 invention patents.


Lightweight is one of the core technologies to realize energy saving, to improve the safety and driving performance of vehicles, and to provide added passenger comfort as well. It is of special significance for increasing cruising range of electric or hybrid-powered vehicles. Beyond these, lightweight components use less mass and hence reduce the primary energy requirement imbedded in the component. Therefore, lightweight has always been a central topic and an important direction in the automotive field whether in the past or in the future.


Lightweight is one of the core technologies to realize energy saving, to improve the safety and driving performance of vehicles, and to provide added passenger comfort as well. It is of special significance for increasing cruising range of electric or hybrid-powered vehicles. Beyond these, lightweight components use less mass and hence reduce the primary energy requirement imbedded in the component. Therefore, lightweight has always been a central topic and an important direction in the automotive field whether in the past or in the future.