Automotive Innovation ›› 2021, Vol. 4 ›› Issue (3): 315-327.doi: 10.1007/s42154-021-00136-2

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Vehicle Travel Destination Prediction Method Based on Multi-source Data

Jie Hu, Shijie Cai, Tengfei Huang, Xiongzhen Qin, Zhangbin Gao, Liming Chen & Yufeng Du    

  1. Hubei Key Laboratory of Advanced Technology for Automotive Components, Wuhan University of Technology
    Hubei Collaborative Innovation Center for Automotive Components Technology, Wuhan University of Technology
    Hubei Research Center for New Energy and Intelligent Connected Vehicle
  • Online:2021-08-16 Published:2021-08-16


Research on vehicle travel destinations mostly only consider vehicle trajectory data and ignore the influence of other multi-source data, such as weather, time, and points of interest (POI). This study proposes a destination prediction method based on multi-source data, and a multi-input neural network model is established. In terms of the coding of vehicle trajectory data, a GeoHash to vector (Geo2vec) model is proposed to realize the characterization of the trajectory. As for the coding of temporal features, a cyclic coding model is proposed based on trigonometric functions. For the coding of POI, an origin–destination POI matrix (OD-POI) model is proposed based on the state transition probability. Experimental results show that in terms of the average distance and root-mean-square distance deviations, Geo2vec reveals reductions of 4.51% and 5.63% compared to word to vector (Word2vec), and cyclic encoding shows reductions of 6.35% and 6.67% compared to label encoding; further, the method of OD-POI state transition probability is reduced by 5.85% and 6.4%, and the model based on multi-source data is 17.29% and 17.65% lower than the model based on trajectory data only. Finally, the cyclic encoding is reduced by 48.60% in the data dimension compared to one-hot encoding. Accurate destination prediction will help improve the efficiency of automotive human–computer interaction